August 5, 2019 by Herb Knoll
As a widower, you know that you are not the only one grieving. Following the loss of your wife, pain is felt by many others, such as your wife’s parents, siblings, relatives, neighbors, co-workers, fellow parishioners, or friends. It can be just as intense as what you experience,
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July 23, 2019 by Stanley Kissel, Ph.D.
As a clinical psychologist, I was well aware of the literature on bereavement, especially the five stages of grief as expounded by Elisabeth Kubler-Rosshere. In brief, these stages are: Denial. This is not happening to me. Anger. It’s not fair that this is happening
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June 25, 2019 by Herb Knoll
Following the passing of a wife or life-partner, it is the widower who needs support, not the deceased. So why is it that so many widowed men complain about their sense of abandonment by their families, friends, neighbors, and co-workers following their loss? Behaviors and interactions
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June 4, 2019 by Herb Knoll
“Hi, my name is Richard”. Thus began my knowing a giant of a man named Richard Blount (62) as he sat down in the chair beside me. The occasion was my first meeting at GriefShare, a widely available program for those who have experienced a loss in their
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May 6, 2019 by Herb Knoll
From the time little boys are first able to walk, in some cases even before they can walk, parents begin shaping the psyche of their sons by telling them, “Boys don’t cry. ” Oh really… who says so? Whoever it was, they should be prosecuted for the harm
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March 19, 2019 by Herb Knoll
Men need to have a purpose in life. A reason to get up in the morning. Absent purpose, why live? I hear it in the voices and read it in the posts men make on “Widowers Support Network – Members Only”
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March 12, 2019 by Herb Knoll
Tired of being alone? Whether you’re a divorcee, a widowed man, have never married or even been in a committed relationship, you may someday decide that you are tired of being alone. I completely understand. You see, I’ve been in your shoes as have millions of
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March 5, 2019 by Herb Knoll
“The entire floor misses your laughter,” said the young female staff member standing at my office door. It had been just four months since my bride, Michelle Knoll, had earned her angel wings following her 39 month battle against
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February 6, 2019 by Herb Knoll
„Boys Don’t Cry. It’s not manly. Get over it!” Something was wrong. Men who followed the Facebook page, “Widowers Support Network,” just weren’t actively using it as a grief recovery tool. Then, in March of 2018, it hit me. Widowed men who sought out the services of my ministry, the
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