
Christine Baumgartner, a widow and professional dating and relationship coach provides an ongoing blog addressing the needs of widowers and their families as they try to adjust to the challenges of entering new relationships. Visit her blog at and and read her bio here.


How to find joy again

March 5, 2019

“Am I a joy to be around?” Many people seek joy in their lives and wonder why they don’t attract it.   In widowhood, it’s easy to get locked in a downward cycle. The less joy you feel, the more hopeless things can look. You may
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Follow- up article for “being curious”

February 26, 2019

In my previous article, we explored how being curious can be helpful in your dating life. This article is for those of you who aren’t ready to start dating yet. I’d like to talk about the benefits of being “curious” with any new person you
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Focus on curiosity- best dating advise

February 19, 2019

Are you getting ready to think about dating? Or maybe you’ve already put your “toe in the water”? Let’s talk about a way to help make those first dates more fun and less stressful. This came up in a recent coaching conversation with a client and
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Dealing with grief: A post by Kerry

February 12, 2019

I think one of the most defining moments in my long distance relationship with my late hubby was when I jokingly said, “Where ever you are in this world, I’ll always find a way to get to you”. When he died in 2012, that statement stayed
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Books about relationships

February 5, 2019

Relationships, and the books that help them along People have been asking me about books about relationships lately, so I can tell it’s time to revisit some of my recommendations. As a coach, I end up speaking to a wide variety of clients. Those who are:
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Love Languages

January 22, 2019

Additional ways to show the women in your life you care about them. Last week I wrote about ways to improve listening skills between men and women. I’d like to continue in that vein by talking about other ways you can connect with those you care
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Why women talk

January 15, 2019

Let’s talk a little about your conversations with the women in your life. These could be daughters, daughters-in-law, mother, aunts, female colleagues – generally any women you come into contact with during your day. Do some of these women regularly claim that you’re “not listening” or
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Challenges of dating when you have kids

January 8, 2019

You’ve met a woman and you really like her. You think there’s potential for a new happy future with her. You introduce her to your kids, hoping they’ll be happy for you. But they’re not. What now? First of all, let me say, you’ve got lots
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