Fun activities to do with your grandchildren

From June 18, 2019


Christine Baumgartner, a widow and professional dating and relationship coach provides an ongoing blog addressing the needs of widowers and their families as they try to adjust to the challenges of entering new relationships. Visit her blog at and and read her bio here.

Sometimes widowers feel rather tentative about getting back out into the community after the death of their spouse. Just the thought of trying seems overwhelming. I had a client last week who was in this category. He definitely did not know how to begin. We got to talking about his young grandchildren. One thing led to another, and then we stumbled upon a plan that involved the grandchildren.

So, I’m here to say – try some fun activities if you have grandchildren.

There are some really social things you can do with them that could also put you in the company of other adults. This works as a positive connection with your grandchild, and also might give you a chance to make some adult friends. And if you don’t have grandchildren (or they don’t live near you) and you have friends with small children in their lives then offer to take them on these activities.

The energy of children can be infectious. And they can be fearless, you just have to follow. But no worries if they’re shy and retreating, because then you get to be brave for them. Clearly, this recipe might work for you!

But where should we go, you wonder?

I’ll tell you some of the places I’ve loved to take the little people in my life. Many of these outings are simple, and even free! My list below seems to work pretty well for kids 10 and under (before all the hormones kick in). So here’s my list of fun activities to do with your grandchildren:

  • Puddle stomping. There’s something about a kid in rain boots. They can’t resist puddles. Go for a neighborhood walk after it’s rained. Much laughter will ensue (be prepared for them and for you to get dirty). It’s amazing how long they can stay with this activity.
  • And while we’re on the topic of water, summer is coming – how about splash pads?  Many shopping centers and parks have them. This is another simple delight for the kids, and there are usually benches for parents and grandparents. People often get to talking. Somehow it’s easier to chat because you have a little person with you.
  • Libraries. Have you been to the children’s section of your public library lately? They can be amazing. Along with books, there are often stuffed animals, puzzles, and simple children’s toys. Once again, settle yourself in along with the other parents and grandparents there. It’s a good way to practice being among people again. While you’re there, ask the librarian if there is a regular story hour for the kids. Sometimes the librarians will pick the book and sometimes they’ll let you bring your grandchild’s favorite book. Reading to a room full of children could bring out all your fun voices.
  • Gather some friends and their grandchildren to clean up at a local park or beach. When I owned my event planning company, I’d offer the kids carnival-type toys in exchange for them picking up trash at the park (prior to company picnic events). Once the task was completed, the kids loved their rewards. But they also had a sense of pride about their contribution to the community.
  • Go to the grocery store with a grandchild for the sole purpose of buying non-perishable food for a food bank. Let them push the cart (if the child is little, the stores usually have small-size carts for kids). Make it an adventure. Follow up the shopping trip with delivery to the food bank.
  • See if you have a local animal adoption center that will allow young visitors to play with the animals. All that “unconditional love” is good for everyone’s heart and spirit.


I imagine you might have some suggestions I haven’t listed. Let me know, and I’ll add them to my list. I hope these ideas spark some fun bonding time between you and your grands.

Yours sincerely
Christine Baumgartner
Dating and Relationship Coach
[email protected]

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